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What is Ultherapy?
While immortality may still be out of reach, the science of anti-aging has progressed by leaps and bounds over the past decade. Among the latest miracle techniques for reversing wrinkles, frown lines, folds and sagging skin comes Ultherapy, a safe, non-surgical ultrasound procedure that revitalizes and rejuvenates the appearance in just 30-60 minutes.
How does Ultherapy work?
Unlike a facelift or neck lift, Ultherapy requires no incisions, no anesthesia and little-to-no downtime. An ESK technician will apply a smooth wand over your skin, placed directly upon the areas that need improvement. The wand transmits an image to the computer that allows the doctor to strategically target deep skin layers with remarkable precision. Rays of focused heat are then directed at the lower level age-compromised cells, sparing the healthy skin cells on the surface. This heat stimulates the natural production of new collagen through a process known as “neocollagenesis,” which over time results in the beautiful, youthful glow of tighter, firmer facial contours.
Benefits of Ultherapy
- Greater jaw definition
- More attractive profile
- Tightening of loose skin under the chin
- Elimination of laugh lines and frown lines
- Wrinkle reduction
- Smoother forehead
- Refreshed eyelids
- More attractive skin texture
- Even, uniform skin tone
- Fuller, more voluminous cheeks
Why should clients choose ESK MD
Certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology, Dr. Kwak’s practice delivers Ultherapy to the highest standard. His focus throughout his training, residencies, fellowships and many years in practice has been exclusively on the face and neck, and as such he has honed his abilities in the field of age-reversal to an art form.
Ultherapy begins with a private consultation with Dr. Kwak in the warmth and comfort of his office. Dr. Kwak will discuss your goals for the procedure, carefully evaluating your medical records, anatomy, prior surgeries, age and lifestyle in order to make the best recommendation possible. He will only move forward once he is confident that all your questions and concerns have been fully answered.
Get StartedWhat to expect during Ultherapy
Ultherapy is generally considered painless, although some patients may experience slight tingling sensations as heat from the wand penetrates the skin cells. This is normal, and simply means the ultrasound energy is making contact with the damaged, aging skin cells. The Ultherapy rays can be directed at the entire neck and facial region, or they can be used to address very specific areas such as the forehead, cheeks or jowls. Your doctor will customize the best treatment plan for you during your confidential consultation.
Some patients may experience flushed skin after the treatment, but any redness or tenderness of this nature dissipates in a matter of hours. Because Ultherapy requires no anesthesia and no incisions, there is no downtime. No bandages, creams or pain medications are required either. As a result, patients are able to return to their normal work or school schedule of activities the same day as their procedure.
Ultherapy results
The regeneration of collagen begins right away following the procedure, however your results will become more visible over the course of several months. Reviewing Dr. Kwak’s gallery of before and after photos will give you a better idea of just how successful this procedure can be in promoting a more youthful, rested and relaxed countenance. Skin appears tighter, more toned and with a significant smoothing effect comparable to a surgical facelift. While a single treatment tends to be all that most New York clients require, upon follow-up the doctor may suggest a second session for continued improvement.
Ultherapy Q&A
Should Ulthera Be Painful
Q: Ulthera 1st attempt was painful and had to stop. Also, have tenderness along jawline 2 days afterward. 2nd attempt scheduled soon with pain medication. Is my experience typical? Please advise.
A: Ultherapy pain can be managed. Ultherapy is one of the most innovative medical device technologies currently available for lifting the face, neck, and brow region. This device uses ultrasound technology to deliver energy at a specific depth underneath the skin. To achieve the therapeutic dose required for lifting the skin, energy of a certain strength and depth must be delivered. Unfortunately when delivering this energy, patients may feel some discomfort. Our focus is on patient comfort while striving for maximum results. Currently our practice is implementing injections of local anesthesia to some of the more sensitive areas of the treatment such as the jawline, brow, and around the eye. I believe that this provides improved pain management for an effective treatment. Despite this, some patients may still experience some discomfort however much less than without the numbing shots. The good news is any discomfort is temporary, and most patients will not experience any pain afterward.
Botox after ultherapy
Q: I Just Had Botox and I Want to Do Ulthera in Two Weeks, is This Ok?
A: Two weeks after BOTOX treatment should be a safe time frame for an Ultherapy treatment. I too typically tell patients to wait approximately two weeks after any filler or BOTOX treatment for an Ultherapy treatment.
Am I a Candidate for Ulthera in my Lower Face?
Q: When I look at photos from a year and a half ago, I did not have those tiny little jowls, but I have them now. I would like to know if I look like a candidate for Ulthera for the Jawline. I do have some laxity on my neck, too. Are passes made directly on the throat? (Mine is sensitive.) I do not want to use numbing agents, as I can't stand that strange feeling. Have high tolerance for pain, just don't want to gag. Thanks.
A: Ultherapy for early signs of skin laxity. Ultherapy is a good option for the lower face if you are noticing some early signs of skin laxity, such as early prejowls, neck laxity, and cheek laxity. I find patients who have some good skin tone with early signs of skin laxity are good candidates for Ultherapy. This device is currently the only FDA approved lifting device and requires minimal to no downtime. Treatments typically take about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Will Ultherapy Really Get Rid of Under-chin Sag?
Q: I'm not overweight, but at 63 have got some loose skin. Have seen Ultherapy advertised as "Non-invasive; no downtime; no recovery time" Yes? No?
A: It's an option. "Under chin sag" can be from redundant skin and loose muscle or from submental fat. The most effective way I feel this can be treated is still with surgery (liposuction and/or neck lift). However, ultherapy can be a good alternative for patients who are looking for non-surgical alternatives. Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment, which requires very little to no recovery time. For your individual concerns, I would consult with your local plastic surgeon to determine if ultherapy is a worthwhile option for you.
Best Long Term Filler - or Should I Try Ulthera?
Q: Please suggest. Main concerns are: 1. Looking natural 2. No puffy/plump look/result 3. Cost I am undecided between Ulthera and Radiesse or Juvederm.
A: Ultherapy vs Filler. From your photos, it appears that both could address some potential concerns you may have. The nasolabial folds can be improved quite naturally with fillers such as Juvederm or Radiesse. Ultherapy works differently than fillers in that its effect will tighten the underlying muscle to promote a lifting change to the face. Regions which ultherapy can address include the cheeks and prejowl region, neckline, and jawline. If you are looking for a focused treatment of a certain region of the face (such as the nasolabial folds), a filler is a better option. If you are looking for a generalized skin tightening for any early skin laxity issues in the lower face, ultherapy may be a better option. Hope this helps!