A Bad Nose Job Can Be Fixed
Not every facial plastic surgeon is equally skilled. As in all professions, education and experience will significantly impact results; but when you’re dealing with the human face, more than good training and proficient surgical technique are required. Facial plastic surgery requires not only the mastery of exacting surgical technique and an intimate understanding of the intricate relationships between bone, muscle and skin; it also requires a certain amount of artistic vision to meet the patient’s appearance expectations.
When a plastic surgeon without sufficient ability performs rhinoplasty (what most people call a “nose job”), patients are sometimes disappointed with the results. The decision to undergo rhinoplasty usually comes after years of embarrassment and dissatisfaction with their appearance. New York rhinoplasty patients often unrealistically — but very humanly — believe that their life will change for the better after they have their nose “fixed.” If their plastic surgeon is unequal to the task, their hopes and expectations will be dashed away when they take their first look in the mirror and see a face staring back that is not what they envisioned. The disappointment can be emotionally devastating.
In most cases, a bad nose job can be corrected. Revision rhinoplasty can correct the defects left by a poorly performed rhinoplasty procedure. Revision rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging and demanding specialties in the field of plastic surgery. Appearance is not the only issue when rhinoplasty is inexpertly performed. A botched nose job can also impair the patient’s ability to breathe normally.
New York facial plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Kwak understands the unique challenges required for successful revision rhinoplasty. Dual board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Dr. Kwak has built a respected practice successfully correcting prior rhinoplasty surgeries. If you are unhappy with your nose job, Dr. Kwak can correct the problem.