Considering a Nose Job? Why You Need a NY Rhinoplasty Specialist
In medicine there are specialties within specialties. When you break a bone you go to an orthopedic specialist. But if the broken bone is in your hand, your physician will probably refer you to a hand surgeon who specializes exclusively in hand surgery. Unlike repairing a broken femur which is a fairly straightforward and common orthopedic procedure, repairing a hand is an extremely complicated surgery. In the hand, a complex arrangement of overlapping and twisting bone, soft tissue, cartilage, muscles, tendons, blood vessels and nerves are all packed into a small space. Damage usually affects several interrelated elements and requires exacting surgical technique to repair the hand so that it is functional again.
As in other fields of medicine, there are specialties within the field of plastic surgery, the most exacting of which is facial plastic surgery.
Much like hand surgery, facial plastic surgery requires expert knowledge and technique to successfully repair and manipulate the complex systems that lie beneath our skin and define our appearance. But there are even specializations within the specialty of New York facial plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty, the commonly labeled “nose job,” requires intricate, advanced skills and experience that the average plastic surgeon, whose practice focuses primarily on liposuction and Botox, is unlikely to have acquired.
Rhinoplasty specialists are expert at plastic surgery procedures on the human nose. They are expert at performing the intricate procedures required to successfully reshape the appearance of a person’s nose without impairing its primary function; i.e. to help you breathe. If you’re planning to have a nose job, you want a plastic surgeon that has performed thousands of rhinoplasty procedures, not someone who might only perform 1 or 2 nose jobs a month. If you want to be satisfied with the results, seek out a Manhattan facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Edward Kwak who is a NY rhinoplasty specialist.