If you happen to be one of those kids who got teased at the playground or you just want to feel more confident about tucking your hair back or putting it up (or in a man’s case, cropping it short), an otoplasty may be the answer to your queries and issues.
Otoplasty, also known as ear-pinning surgery is an effective surgical procedure to strategically correct deformities of the pinna or external ear and/or for reconstructing defective/deformed external ears.
The surgery is recommended post the age of 5 as it is after this age that the ear shape and cartilage are near adult size. Getting it done prior to this age is not in the patient’s best interest.
Developed in ancient India by the ayurvedic physician Surshruta around 5 BC.
A fantastic contoured ear.
The essential, well-directed goal of otoplasty is to surgically set the ears back so as to give them the appearance of of being naturally proportionate and well contoured without any visible evidence, indication or signs of any surgical correction.
Hence, when the corrected ear is looked at, it looks a 100% normal and undefected from the front, rear and side perspectives.
Dr. Edward Kwak is one of Manhattan’s premier facial plastic surgeons. Book your first consultation now! Call our clinic at 212.229.1100 or shoot us an email anytime at [email protected]! We can’t wait to hear from you.