How to Choose a New York Plastic Surgeon
When people meet you, they focus on your face first. We base our first impression of someone new on their face. Are they young or old? Are they attractive and careful about their personal appearance or not? Are they happy to see us or uncomfortable in our presence? Are they confident comfortable with themselves or are they hesitant and unsure? Certainly, our face is not the sum total of who we are; but it does play a significant – perhaps the most significant – role in how people perceive us.
When you contemplate having facial plastic surgery, you are putting your face and all it represents in your surgeon’s hands. The skill, training and experience of the plastic surgeon you choose to perform your facelift or rhinoplasty is critical to the success of your cosmetic surgery, the level of care you receive, and your satisfaction with the results of your Manhattan plastic surgery. Making a wise choice will ensure a positive cosmetic surgery experience and your satisfaction with your new face.
Follow these tips to choose a plastic surgeon in New York:
- Only choose a plastic surgeon that is board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Board-certification is the patient’s guarantee that the surgeon has completed the required education and practical training required to meet the standards of the state and professional medical community.
- Make certain the plastic surgeon you choose is expert in the type of procedure you wish to have done. For example, Dr. Edward Kwak specializes in facial plastic surgery and is dually certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Board of Otolaryngology, indicating additional specialized skill and training in plastic surgery to the head and neck.
To be continued..