Plastic Surgery May Be Nature’s Secret Weapon in Survival of Species
In his book, Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful (see our previous post), University of Texas economist Daniel Hamermesh argues that beauty gives people a leg up the economic ladder. Hamermesh hangs a $230,000 price tag on beauty, claiming that’s how much more an attractive person can expect to make over his or her lifetime than an unattractive co-worker.
The idea that beauty pays is not a new one, although Hamermesh appears to be the first to translate beauty into dollars and cents. In her 1999 book Survival of the Prettiest, Harvard Medical School psychologist Nancy Etcoff stirred up a storm of controversy when she argued that beauty is one of nature’s most effective tools for guaranteeing the survival of the species.
To prove her point, Etcoff referenced numerous scientific studies showing that while we may want to believe our protestations that beauty is only skin deep; in actuality, we shallow humans search out and prefer to spend time with beautiful people.
Etcoff says it isn’t a myth; beauty does make life easier. In addition to better jobs and better pay, various studies have found that attractive people are better liked and more valued. One study found that even infants who have yet to acquire social baggage respond more positively to people with attractive facial features.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that the appreciation of beauty is hard-wired into our human brains. Like strength, agility, fertility and other physical attributes, beauty is one of the tools nature uses to ensure the survival of the species. Unfortunately, nature did not bestow beauty upon each of us equally. That small error can be corrected by a skilled New York facial plastic surgeon. Your confidence in your appearance should not depend on a whim of nature. With NY facial plastic surgery you have the tools to change your life.