New Targeted Approach Offers New York Facelift Options
Not that long ago, Manhattan facial plastic surgeons were limited to a single procedure – a full facelift – to remove unsightly wrinkles and sags from age-ravaged skin. The expense and recovery time required for those old-school facelifts made them an unrealistic option for many women and men. The more recent development of targeted facial plastic surgery procedures that are intended to repair or rejuvenate a specific problem or facial area has made facial plastic surgery far more affordable and available to a much broader section of the population. The introduction of new technology and less intrusive facial plastic surgery techniques have improved patient recovery times which increasing patient satisfaction with surgery results. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the result has been a 35% increase in the number of facelifts performed in the U.S. between 2009 and 2010.
Today, New York cosmetic surgeons are able to offer patients a myriad of facial cosmetic surgery options to choose from, including a browlift, forehead lift, necklift, eyelid surgery, chin surgery, cheek surgery and lip enhancement. Each surgical option targets a very specific facial problem, allowing patients to address a single appearance if they prefer not to undergo a full facelift. An experienced Manhattan facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Edward Kwak can also develop a staged treatment plan that allows cosmetic surgery patients to accomplish their appearance goals over time for better cost and time control.
Cutting-edge developments in non-surgical facial treatments now offer NY cosmetic surgery patients viable non-surgical solutions for combating wrinkles and sagging skin that produce excellent results. Joining Botox and other popular skin fillers, Dr. Kwak now offers the latest non-surgical cosmetic treatment, Ultherapy, a state-of-the-art ultrasound treatment for rejuvenating aging skin.